The Radius CoWork Brand
The Radius Philosophy
We thrive more fully by mutually beneficial cooperation than we do by antagonistic competition. We certainly grow more when we’re together than we do alone. And we are fulfilled when we are growing in our social and civic lives as much as in our professional work.
Radius is place where people can work together, whether that be enjoying one another, learning from each other, or cooperating on shared projects.
Connect & create, get work done, build the community, and make the world a better place – together.
Our Voice
Radius always speaks as the royal "we" - coworking is not about any individual, it's about representing a community. We amplify good things, we don't attack bad things. We're concise and clear about our values. We're finding peers, not selling services.
We’re real people doing exceptional work. We’ve got no tolerance for bad actors who place profits ahead of trust. We don't think you need to hustle grind and sacrifice to create something meaningful (but we'll help you if that's your jam).
Our voice is thoughtful, honest, and funny - because we believe in a considered life, transparency, and having a helluva time while creating ways to be valuable to one another.
Our Logotype and Logomark
What the Logotype Means
Life is about balance, about being multifaceted, and thriving as complete people. As a place, Radius is at the center of our community, literally and metaphorically. As an idea, Radius is about being centered, and being in balance.
There are four logotype variations:
Full on Light
Full on Dark
Single Color White
Single Color Black
These variations can be applied the the full logotype or the logotype without “CoWork”. A watermark can be created using the single color white or black logotype at 10% opacity.
Logotype Anatomy
The Radius Logotype is custom typography and cannot be recreated from a font library.
The ascender height is just below 1/2 the “Radius” X height and is equal to the “CoWork” X height.
These measurements should never change; however, the “Radius” logotype may appear without the “CoWork” logotype.
What the Logo Mark Means
We are unique, we are leaving our mark. Uniqueness defines us, it make us appreciate one another, and enables us to be helpful to one another. Radius is where many unique people and projects come together to leave their prints on the world.
The logo mark is that of a fingerprint representing these individual impressions to the community with the Radius “r” from the logotype hidden within.
Logo Mark Anatomy
The logo mark is a standalone icon meaning that it shouldn’t be used alongside the logotype under any circumstance.
The Radius fingerprint does not make a perfect square and does not completely fit in a perfect circle, creating an organic feeling.
The line work has rounded edges to mimic the logotype.
Aside from the Radius “r” appearing in the logo mark, a stylized “i” and “s” from the logotype are also visible.
The transparent gradient rules from the logotype can also be used within this icon to create a soft-edged effect. (Seen on the previous page.)
Radius Palette
Radius CoWork uses four main color groups:
red (primary, accent)
navy (secondary)
grey (tertiary)
teal/mint (accent)
Red is the most well-known hue of Radius and should be used sparingly and wisely. If overused, the impact the logo has will be lost.
White should be used frequently as it keeps things clean, minimalistic, and it reflects the cleanliness and modern qualities of the space.
Navy is the second most frequently used color next to white. Flagship Blue, while the secondary color, it is used for most banners, color blocks, and bulk needs.
Grey is used for detailing and to break up white space.
Teal is used for accents and in small qualities. This color should not be used in large areas or for color blocks.
Radius Red | CMYK: 0/94/68/0 | RGB: 238/52/76 | #ee344c
Flagship Blue |
CMYK: 83/70/48/43 |
RGB: 46/58/74 |
Perry Grey |
CMYK: 11/7/6/0 |
RGB: 225/227/230 |
Victorian Red |
CMYK: 10/100/87/2 |
RGB: 213/31/52 |
Midnight Navy |
CMYK: 86/73/57/73 |
RGB:13/24/35 |
Erie Snow |
CMYK: 4/3/3/0 |
RGB: 242/242/243 |
Dobbins Teal |
CMYK: 64/0/33/0 |
RGB: 78/193/186 |
Lake Effect Grey |
CMYK: 24/19/13/0 |
RGB: 192/194/204 |
White |
CMYK: 0/0/0/0 |
RGB: 255/255/255 |
Fonts & Hierarchy
It's not just what we say, it's how we say it. Our fonts reflect the Radius values: honest, fun, and focused.
Simplicity is our game. We use our words with intention, so we keep our fonts clear and complimentary. We don’t use styles like italic/oblique, hairline, or extrabold and instead rely on our knowledge of text amount and size to do the job sufficiently. After all, we’re users too. That’s why we keep our messages brief and to-the-point.
Radius uses the Lato Font Family and creates hierarchy using size, color, and space instead of too many styles. We use only 3 font styles while still having a large variety of hierarchy.
Download the Radius CoWork Brand Guide
Get access to the brand guidelines on color, font, imagery, logos, social, and voice.
Access the Radius Google Drive
Download logos, fonts, assets, and editable documents, upload files and images, and access the full brand guide.