The Many “Percs” of Drinking Coffee


By: Matt Flowers

According to the National Coffee Association’s 2016 finding, 57% of Americans are slamming jitter juice every morning. That got me thinking, how many total cups are consumed a day?

Research from E-Imports Espresso Business Solutions calculates the average daily coffee consumption in the United States at about 3.1 cups per java drinker. Do some rough math on average portion of the adult population drinking coffee, and we find that the United States is chugging about 5,634,963,000 cups of mud every 24 hours.

Although the hypothesis has yet to be scientifically validated, I posit that Radius Cowork is a statistical outlier and a major contributor to the nation’s incessant craving for this liquid joy. Between the locally roasted coffee, the brewing methods (drip, Chemex, French press, and AeroPress), and the good conversation, we’ve become insatiable.

Clearly, more research is needed. And trust me, we’re on it. Until conclusions are in, here are some brainy reasons to continue consuming bean juice.

1. Boost Your Mood

Start your morning with a cup o’ joe

Start your morning with a cup o’ joe

Yes, the magic of this morning stimulant can actually make you happier . . . or at least ward off depression. Research by TIME Magazine found that women who drank two to three cups of coffee per day were 15% less likely to develop depression. Interestingly, females who drank four or more cups had even better results, decreasing their risk of the blues by a full 20%.

Researchers believe this mild antidepressant comes from coffee’s ability to regulate dopamine. This neurotransmitter is crucial for reward-motivated behavior. However, those who drank decaf didn’t get the same preventative benefits as those who drank the caffeinated variety. That being said, don’t go crazy with caffeine intake as it can cause serious anxiety in large doses.

2. Enhance Your Memory

Obviously, caffeine gives a nice energy boost, but there is more to it than that extra hop in your step. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found that coffee can have a positive effect on your long-term memory. Additionally, this cognitive enhancement lasts for up to 24 hours after consumption.

Experts believe this positive effect on memory is caused by caffeine’s ability to block adenosine, a neurotransmitter that, at times, stands in the way of norepinephrine (another neurotransmitter), the chemical substance that plays a fundamental role in our ability to remember. With just 200 milligrams of caffeine (around two cups of coffee) you can significantly increase your memory retention. So, next time you’re feeling bad about that second cup, just remember this research.

3. Hit the Gym Harder With a Cup o’ Java

According to research by, working out immediately after consuming coffee has major weight-loss advantages. In fact, athletes who took in caffeine pre-exercise burned an average of 15% more calories for an additional three hours post-workout.

As an added benefit, coffee improves circulation, which means you can work out even harder. With added oxygen and an increase in glycogen, your muscles can more easily transition into overdrive. What’s more, caffeine consumption before a workout also helps reduce soreness post-exercise.

4. Protect Yourself from Kidney Stones

Pour a cup of coffee and get to work

Pour a cup of coffee and get to work

According to a New York Times Health Report, drinking coffee and tea reduces the risk of developing kidney stones. This is because a roasted cup of rocket fuel is high in oxalates, a compound that binds to calcium in the intestine to regulate absorption. Incidentally, the two main components of kidney stones are calcium and oxalate.

Studies indicate that eating foods containing these compounds together may actually reduce the risk of developing painful pebbles in your gut. Moreover, limiting oxalates can even be harmful for people with bowel disorders or who struggle with malabsorption. That being said, people should always consult with a medical professional before making any major changes to their diets.

5. Reduce the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

According to research published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, four to six cups of coffee a day are linked to a 31% lower risk of developing MS. In fact, according to the same Swedish study, drinking a steady stream of java may even stave off the onset of symptoms for five to ten years.

While more research is needed, scientists believe this benefit is linked to coffee’s neuroprotective properties. This added defense may fight the inflammatory proteins that cause the debilitating effects of MS.

6. Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

In the early 90s caffeine was labeled as a possible carcinogenic. However, according to a New York Times report, the leaders at the World Health Organization concluded that coffee—even as much as five cups a day—may actually reduce the risk of developing uterine and liver cancer. In addition, researchers found that America’s favorite morning jolt may also protect against heart disease and an array of neurological disorders.

Ready to slurp down some caffeine saturated statistics?

  • Drinking four cups of coffee a day decreased oral and head cancers by 39% (source: Caffeine Informer)

  • Coffee drinkers show 41% fewer cases of liver disease (source: News Medical)

  • Men who drink coffee have a 60 percent lower risk of developing aggressive forms of prostate cancer than men who don’t. (source: Science Daily)

  • Women who consume at least three to four cups of coffee a day have a 19% decrease in developing endometrial cancer (Source: Medical News Today)

  • People who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day were 20 % less likely to develop melanoma than those who drank none. (source: Men’s Health)

Coffee Mugs

Coffee Mugs

7. Satisfy that Need For Speed

A study conducted by Dutch Researchers found that drivers who consumed one cup of coffee at the halfway point of a four hour drive swerved less, maintained a more consistent speed, and rated their driving ability as being more responsive. So before you hit the highway, ensure you have a hot cup of high octane to keep you company.

8. Slurp Away Your Risk of Diabetes

According to a Harvard Research study cited by Men’s Health, those who drank just one cup of coffee a day where 8% less likely to develop diabetes than their un-caffeinated counterparts. This is due to coffee’s chlorogenic acid composition which scientists believe causes the reduction in blood sugar concentration and its absorption rate into the intestines.

If you have a family history of diabetes or your diet is high in sugar, consider chasing those cookies with a healthy cup of Joe (and go easy on adding any additional sugar). In fact, research seems to indicate that the more people drank, the more protection they received. Those who pounded six cups a day actually cut their risk of diabetes by 33%. That cursory caffeine jolt now might just save you from getting jabbed with insulin later.

French press

French press

A Quick Look at the Other Side

Too much caffeine can lead to:

  • High blood pressure

  • Increased risk of heart attack

  • Increased risk of gout (gross)

  • Increased risk in breast tissue cysts in women

  • Increased risk of incontinence

  • Increased risk of insomnia

The Moral of the Mug

While coffee smells delicious, tastes amazing, and is the second-best beverage to have while conversing, as with anything, there are some unfortunate downsides to overindulging. Up to about four cups of coffee a day is considered safe—after that, you may be pushing your luck, despite some findings that suggest up to six cups a day can be beneficial for health.

So keep your cool with a few mug-fulls and you’ll be good to go. With just a few cups of coffee a day, you can boost your mood, enhance your memory and physical strength, drive more safely, and reduce your risk of a whole multitude of diseases and health problems.

If you want to read another comprehensive list of benefits of drinking coffee you’ll ever find, check out what Little Coffee Place covers in 57 Health Benefits of Coffee Supported by Science.

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Written by writer, strategist, and owner of Ethos Copywriting, Matt Flowers. Flowers specializes in advertising, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), scriptwriting, social media marketing, and more. In his free time, he enjoys playing music, building fires on the beach, drinking good beer, drinking cheap beer, taking long walks, woodworking, winemaking, making up words, using malapropisms, and cooking.