Things You Should Never Do In A Coworking Space
/Between freelancers, remote workers, and new small businesses, coworking is showing no signs of slowing down. Small Biz Labs and Global Coworking Unconference Conference (GCUC) measured an average annual growth rate of 24.2%, meaning by the year 2022, 5.1 million people will be members of coworking spaces in the U.S. With that many people joining communal facilities, you’re bound to see some strange behavior now and again. So while we’ll always encourage diversity, foster forward-thinking perspectives, and support a healthy level of all-around weirdness, there are a few big faux pas that can kill the vibe in a shared space.
1. Being a Distraction
There’s nothing worse than hunkering down to get some serious work done and then being interrupted by a person broadcasting his or her political views, playing music without headphones, or telling everyone in earshot about their weekend adventure. Yes, people join these shared spaces for their social atmospheres (research by Deskmag found that to be the top reason for joining), but people don’t want to miss their regularly scheduled breadwinning and badassery. Save the interruptions for lunchtime, and for heaven’s sake, take your 30-minute phone call with mom to another room.
Speaking of using rooms, sometimes you need to make a call, have an impromptu meeting, or use a marker board to map out an epiphany. That’s cool. But please, remember to *book the room first.* People need to know that they’ll have access to conference rooms, private call rooms, and even bookable supplies whenever they’ve scheduled it.
2. Leaving a Mess for Others to Clean
Look, no one enjoys cleaning up another person’s mess. While an unwashed mug from time to time is part of the deal, if you’re a repeat offender, it becomes a problem. When the operators are regularly scrubbing out your crusty coffee distillate it eats up time that could be spent in a more productive head space.
Speaking of space, if you’re going to spread out, be mindful of who and what is around you. Without a doubt, some projects require additional room, and coworking spaces are a beautiful place to get work done. But if a month’s worth of snail mail is creeping over to your neighbor’s desk, rein it in a bit. And please, save the coupon cutting for another day (we’ve seen it).
This is a dramatization. If this happens in your space, it’s time for an intervention.
3. Spamming Members
Coworking groups let you make organic connections, lead to new business, and offer channels to share things you’re excited about - whether your work or hobbies. However, spamming your cohorts with personal announcements or pitches will send you down the fast track to being “that guy.” Keep it focused. People’s time and attention are limited. Find the right outlet. Many coworking spaces plan regular networking events, provide an area for business cards and company information, and online chat platforms to communicate. Utilize the community manager or operators to know who might be interested to hear what you’ve got to say.
4. Dragging in Drama
Your fellow coworker can be a great sounding board for hashing out ideas, but please, keep the conversations professional by leaving the drama at home. Commiserating about clients, sharing funny pet peeves, and working through forces beyond our control is totally valuable and encouraged. However, bringing conflicts into the space causes unwanted negative energy that bogs down creativity and hinders productivity.
5. Being Afraid to Ask for Help
People join up to help each other succeed. Need a strategic connection? Ask for an introduction. Don’t know how to take the next step in your business? Work through your ideas with someone further along. Most entrepreneurs, remote workers, and digital creatives enjoy mulling over a complex challenge and are happy to help in trying times. Don’t believe the lie that you’re the only one struggling.
So please, speak up. A coworking space isn’t a few tables and chairs where people struggle alone, together. It’s a place where people support each other in becoming better. And when you ask the right questions, you can spark conversations that help both you and those around you.
Don’t let the stresses of your life keep you from reaching out for help! Coworking is about community, and a community is built on the idea that we all lift each-other up.
Amazing things happen when people come together. Just watch out for the kind of habits that make it hard to join. If you’re interested in joining the people working at Radius, drop us a line by clicking here. If you aren’t in our city, just google “coworking” and your city’s name!